Tuesday, August 10, 2010

You Make Us Better

Now is the time to really tell everyone how you feel about your experience at Your Healing Place. Go ahead, spit it out! In order for us to serve you better we need to know. So, please, don't be shy.

Tell us what's on your mind:
~Suggestions for a program
~Suggestions for office hours changes
~Suggestions for group discussion
~Suggestions for discounts and packages

This is your opportunity to sound off about anything relating to us. My goal is to make this practice a better place, where healing is achieved- mind,body and spirit.

Anxiously awaiting your feed back,

Dr. Reid

1 comment:

  1. Hello! My name is Tonya and I've been on my supplement program for one week. I previously had trouble digesting foods, leaving me feeling bloated,crampy and uncomfortable. The first day of taking my supplement I noticed an instant change...no discomfort afer eating. I was amazed! Now, it has been one week and I have lost 6 lbs! I have been following the diet recommendation from my Hair Tissue Analysis (HTA) results. I'm really feeling much better. Thank you Dr. Reid...you are God-sent!
