Tuesday, August 10, 2010

You Make Us Better

Now is the time to really tell everyone how you feel about your experience at Your Healing Place. Go ahead, spit it out! In order for us to serve you better we need to know. So, please, don't be shy.

Tell us what's on your mind:
~Suggestions for a program
~Suggestions for office hours changes
~Suggestions for group discussion
~Suggestions for discounts and packages

This is your opportunity to sound off about anything relating to us. My goal is to make this practice a better place, where healing is achieved- mind,body and spirit.

Anxiously awaiting your feed back,

Dr. Reid

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Detox Me!

So you had an ionic foot bath or, you've contemplated having one? What is it exactly and what should I expect? The fact is, ionic foot baths remove toxins from the body through the many large pores in the soles of the feet. Many clients are freaked out by the water color changes, but all report feeling "better" after the experience.

As any one would guess this is a fairly new experience and some skeptics have had their opinion. We aren't concerned about skeptics as much as we are concerned about what our clients have experienced. So please Chime in ~ Sound off!

Here's a lead in... " Had a foot bath and it was.........." or "I thought about it, but..."

Any response is welcome. Who knows, you may learn something new from someoneelse's experience!

Until Next Time... Be well~